
Showing posts from January, 2023

Reading, and writing, and books (ft. drinking & eating)

These three types: reading, writing, and a book, are a good interplay between verbs, actions and nouns which help in my learning with Italian. Like music, I like to think that I can learn "the formula" and memorize all the techniques as they arrive, but I think language won't be that simple when I have zero context on the builders of the language. So, I believe it's better to learn the combinations and see how they interplay.  Io scrivo OR Scrivo , I write (Io) Scrivo un libro , I write a book Tu scrivi , You write Noi leggiamo un libro, We read a book Leggi , read Lui legge , He reads Lei legge , She reads La  donna legge  al ragazzo, The woman reads to the boy Noi beviamo , We drink Tu bevi l' acqua, You drink the water Lei beve  l'acqua, She drinks the water Lui beve l'acqua, He drinks the water Io bevo , I drink La ragazza mangia il pane, The girl eats (the) bread (?) La donna mangia lo zucchero, The woman eats sugar Tu mangi , You eat I

All the infinitives for the regular conjugates

Here is a great link to a Reddit user who built this great cheat sheet . I thought a conjugate was something like "the man", but I am greatly incorrect. I cannot currently use this information. Anyway, enjoy that link.

Cacca sul mio petto (poo on my chest)

Just kidding. Io sono andare Italy (in May). (I am going to Italy). Sono andare Italy. (I'm going to Italy).

Sono apprendimento Italiano (I'm learning Italian)

Sono apprendimento Italiano. Sono avendo difficoltà comprensione "la, li" e "l". I had to use Google in order to understand how to write apprendimento, avendo, difficoltà and comprensione. The above sentence translates to: I'm learning Italian. I'm having difficulty understanding "la, li" and "l".